Monday, 23 January 2012

Facebook Page

Today in our lab section we created Facebook pages. Now I already have Facebook, but what I have is a profile (which is far from something I want professionals in my desired field to see), not a page. This page is a business card and resume all rolled into one. Potential clients or employers can see my page, most likely the result of a quick Google search, and get a quick glance at my professional life. It allows for a filter on Facebook. This is a quick glance at my page:

It really is a work of digital information with an emphasis on my academic achievements. I'll link it here:

It contains resume information as well as my career goals and interests. It's my skills and experience bundled together neatly and it takes no more than a glance to form a general impression of me (good or bad). My classmates all made excellent Facebook pages, I really liked the work that my classmate Rima did. I can search for her on Facebook and find out that she is an experienced Nutrition and Food Science study at the University of Alberta.

This is why social media is the best thing to happen to the internet since the death of dial-up. Our lab today reminded me of an article we briefly covered in class today. It basically explains the friction-free motion and functioning of Twitter due to options like searching, commenting, tagging and linking.

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